Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Cairo - City of Extremes

How can I attempt to sum up the unique qualities of a city like Cairo within the confines of a short review? Well the answer is I can't, not to the degree that I would like, but if this brief snap shot gives you some idea of the glorious diversity of this wonderful city then that is a worthy enough goal. It is a city that sits with one foot in the modern cosmopolitan world and the other in a timeless past and the two seem to co-exist and merge in a truly remarkable way. It is heaving with life, volatile, polluted and boisterous, with an intensity that both exhausts and invigorates the visitor. As I spent only a few days in the city I can only attempt to whet your appetite with a small selection of the delights that I encountered, these however will give you a flavour of this place.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Masai Mara -the most beautiful wild reserve in Kenya

Masai Mara -- largest reserve in Africa with an area from 1519 sq. km. It is located in southwestern Kenya and is a natural extension of the valley Serengeti in Tanzania. It is covered by savannah, open plains and riparian forests, inhabited by 80 kinds of mammals. Lions,zebras,elephants,gnus,crocodiles-meet them in Masai Mara.
The rain almost always chooses to fall in time between late afternoon and sunset.It is very warm but not sticky hot. Between July and October, when the antelopes migrating , the sight of thousands of wild animals riding around Savannah,  makes your breathe stop for a while.

The Airline Provide Wifi in Flight,2012

Throughout the Continental United aircraft will be equipped with a WiFi-based satellite technology.
Tommorow is the new era. Just prepare for 2012, the airline Provide Wifi in Flight. It means: Throughout the Continental United aircraft will be equipped with a WiFi-based satellite technology.

Many airline passengers are looking for ways to spend time while flying across the inter-state, either by reading

Saturday, 28 January 2012

How to Speed Up Your Web Browser

A slow browser can turn your life into a nightmare - just imagine having to wait for ages for websites to load. And at some point your browser will start freezing and crashing, so that you will lose your open pages and will have to search for them again. Not a good scenario. Luckily, it's possible to speed up your Web browser and thus speed up computer performance in a quick and easy way without having to reinstall anything or spend a cent on hardware upgrades.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Awesome Photos Of Turtle Art On Human Nose

You might have seen street art,wall art, paper art,finger art and much more but you might have never seen turtle art on human nose.Seems a bit awkward and a stupid term, turtle art on human nose but I found this to be most creative art idea ever on internet, here is a collection of 20 most awesome photos of turtle art on human let have a close look and just focus on the nose.

20 World’s Most Amazing Pictures, 2012

20 World’s Most Amazing Pictures, 2012
When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things, here are the world most amazing pictures collection, like especially in an unexpected way, forest, sea, sky, earth and much more, Something that is so wonderful, it is hard to find the words to match. Something that makes your heart beat faster. Something that is unbelievable and you can’t compare anything with that. So Have a look, Guys!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

What is a Silkie Chicken? The Silkie Chicken Saga

It happens all the time! It's the same conversation, and not the same. You see my husband is the logical one, and me, well, let's just say, I'm the dreamer. You might say I’m the more frivolous one. I’ll say something like, “I think it would be neat to….”, or “I want ….”, or “Why don’t we…?” And he responds with, “Why would we want to do that ?”, or “What would you do with that ?” The emphasis is always on the word “that”. My response generally amounts to four little words, “It would be neat!” By this time you can already guess where the conversation is heading, and I’m thinking to myself, “Why is ‘neat’ not good enough? Why does everything always have to be so logical?” In my world, it doesn’t.
Source: Microsoft ClipArt

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Sweet Jealousy

I envy the wind, that compresses your skin;                                   
That blows through your hair, whispers in your ear,
And sweeps across the air you breathe.

Hot Photos Of India Eisley

Hot Photos Of India Eisley. 

Simple organic shapes the Illustrator way

Create the shape

Draw a circle
We start by creating a circle. Select the Ellipse Shape tool (L). Hold down Shift key while dragging. Turn on Smart Guides, go to View > Smart Guides or hit command/control + u. Make sure your Rulers are turned on. Go to View > Show Rulers or hit command/control + r. Drag a horizontal guide from the top Ruler to the middle of the circle. Select the Rotation tool and click in the center of the circle to set the rotation point. Rotate the circle 45°. While dragging hold down Shift key so the rotation snaps to 45°. With Smart Guides turned on you should also be able to see when you've turned the circle 45°. Select the Direct Selection tool (white arrow) and select the path segment on the right of the circle. Hit the delete key.
Now select the Pen Tool and click in the top right point of the circle where you have just deleted the

Monday, 23 January 2012

Snow Photography

Snow Photography


Winter season is going, so I have collected here  Snow Photography: Cool Winter Photos With Remarkable Snow Inspirations. snow falling is an awesome gift from GOD for us,,,when snow covers all hills and mountain,,,seems like a moon light spread every where in a sunny day,,, Lets have a look below and get this inspiration and feel your self part of these beautiful scenes.
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